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Bing COVID-19 Widget

By Cyber, Published on 3 years ago, 800 Views
Tags : #bing #covid_api #bing_covid_api #Bing_COVID-19_Widget #github_code

As the coronavirus impacts the world, Microsoft recognize the need to share the latest information outside of Bing. This widget will allow any site to easily add an outbreak map, the latest case counts, and a chart displaying the spread over time. These elements are modular, giving sites the ability to customize the experience. The widget is also responsive, adjusting automatically to desktop and mobile form factors. Learn more on how to embed and customize the widget for your needs below.

Example code:

<div class="bingwidget" data-type="covid19" data-market="en-us" data-language="en-us"></div>

<script src="//" async=""></script>

Fiddle -

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