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Python Onetime Password Authentication

By Cody, Published on 3 years ago, 842 Views
Tags : #python_onetimepass #otp #google_authenticator_code #otp_code #offline_otp

onetimepass is a Python module for generating and validating one-time passwords. It can be used for both time-based passwords, as well as passwords invalidated after first use. Module for generating and validating HOTP and TOTP tokens

Installation -
pip install onetimepass

OneTimePass (actually onetimepass) is a module for generating one-time passwords, namely HOTPs (HMAC-based one-time passwords) and TOTPs (time-based one-time passwords). They are used eg. within Google Authenticator application for Android or iPhone.

pip install onetimepass

To get time-based token

import onetimepass as otp my_secret = 'MFRGGZDFMZTWQ2LK' my_token = otp.get_totp(my_secret)

To get HMAC-based token

import onetimepass as otp my_secret = 'MFRGGZDFMZTWQ2LK' my_token = otp.get_hotp(my_secret, intervals_no=3)

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