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File a complaint with the Ombudsman

By Admin, Published on 3 years ago, 517 Views
Tags : #ombudsman #complaint

If you are not satisfied with your bank's grievance redress al process you can lodge a complaint with the banking ombudsman.

File a complaint with your bank and not the banking ombudsman (BO) offices. If you don't receive a response within 30 days or it is not satisfactory, approach the ombudsman. Escalate complaint within a year of receiving reply or a year and month of making representation.
Complain to banking ombudsman within whose jurisdiction the branch or office of the bank is located. For card-related complaints or those related to centralised operations, your billing address will determine the jurisdiction of the banking ombudsman.

If you are dissatisfied with the ombudsman's order, you can move the consumer courts.

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