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Link Pan Aadhaar with Fine 500

By Admin, Published on 2 years ago, 419 Views
Tags : #pan_aadhaar_link_with_fine #pay_fine_aadhaar_pan_link #itd_pay_fine

Last Date is for link PAN and Aadhaar Card is March 31st 2022. After that fine amount of Rs 500 need to pay for link aadhaar and pan. In case if you have Name and DOB mismatch in the Pan and Aadhaar means kindly follow the below steps

Steps for Link Pan and Aadhaar with Fine Payment.


  1. Go to
  2. Select CHALLAN NO./ITNS 280 and Click Proceed.
  3. In the Next Page , Select the following options
    1. Tax Applicable - (0021) Income Tax (Other than Companies)
    2. Type of Payment - (500) Other Receipt 
    3. Select Bank for Payment (SBI preferred)
    4. Assessment Year - 2023-2024
    5. Then fill the following details like Pan Number, Address,Email and Mobile Number
  4. Then finally click Proceed, In that it will display the name for the entered pan number,
  5. Click submit and do payment of 500 Rs.
  6. After that need to wait for 3 - 4 days.
  7. Once the payment received, you can use to link Pan and Aadhaar.
  8. In case Name or DOB mismatch means , kindly edit Pan / aadhaar via online or visit Nearest CSC center.
  9. once that Name / DOB update, Kindly link the Pan and Aadhar via the above 7th point link.
  10. Finally check the status from and get a successfully Linked text on the screen.

In case if you feel dificulties means kindly ping me or comment here

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